6.Enter the following at the command prompt:
order by 2;
Managing Collectors for Reports
The management server uses data collectors to gather information for reports. To view a report, you must have its corresponding collector running, and your report cache must be
To view collectors for reports, select Reports > Storage Essentials > Report Configuration in HP Systems Insight Manager, and click the Data Collection tab.
For each element, the Report Data Collectors page displays all the collectors that the management server uses to gather report data. You can decide whether data should be collected for each element by starting or stopping the collector schedule. If a collector is gathering data when you stop it, that collector will complete the collection. You are stopping all future runs of the collector; not the currently active process. The Enabled column reflects whether you’ve started your collector schedule or not.
The Report Data Collector page offers a set of filters to help you find your collectors quickly. The filter area is collapsed by default. To expand the filter area, click the + symbol. The following filters are supported:
•Element Type - Use this filter to see the collectors for a specific element type or for all elements.
•Collector State - Use this filter to see all schedules or only the schedules that have been started or stopped.
•Element Name Contains - Use this filter to retrieve all the elements whose name contains the specified string.
To apply the filter settings, click Filter to refresh the content of the Report Data Collector page. To restore the filters to their default settings, click Reset, and refresh the collector page.
In addition to changing the collector schedule after an element has been discovered, you may wish to decide whether a collector schedule should be started or not for future discovery elements. You can access the default collector schedule settings by clicking the Default Collector Settings link above the Filter area, or select Tools > Storage Essentials > Home, and then select Configuration > Discovery, and click the Collector Settings tab. For more information about the Collector Settings tab, see ”Modifying Collector Settings for Newly Discovered Elements” on page 184.
IMPORTANT: All collectors are stopped during Discovery Data Collection. This means that during Discovery Data Collection data is not updated.
NOTE: It is not possible to run data collectors on quarantined elements. Attempting to do so will result in exceptions in the appstorm.<timestamp>.log file.
The following table provides details about the Data Collection tab:
HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 203