User’s Manual for InterForm400®
OneWorld spool file (Convert) ............ 409
Operators ........................124, 174
Orientation of design elements ............ 48
OSC(Output Schedule Control) ........... 246
Other Environments
Mail merge ....................... 426
Merging with *ASCII................ 427
Output Bin support .................... 332
Output Schedule Control ................ 246
OUTQ .............................. 417
Select .......................... 120
work with ........................ 120
Back page ........................ 39
Copy an existing overlay ............. 77
Duplex print ....................... 39
Merge spool entry with overlay ....... 117
Special-line ....................... 63
Test print .....................116, 262
Overlay element selection filters ........... 52
Overlay elements ...................... 54
Frame ........................... 54
Horizontal line ..................... 55
HP/GL-2-File ...................... 71
If..Then .......................... 67
Image ........................... 66
Ink .............................. 59
Line ............................. 56
Page (Page number) ................ 58
PCL-File ......................... 70
Remap window .................... 63
Tabulator ......................... 61
Text ............................. 57
Vertical line ....................... 56
Overlay selectors ..................122, 126
Overlay. Global settings ................. 37
Overlays ............................. 76
Overview of Auto Forms Control .......... 134
Input queue ...................... 134
Template ........................ 134
Page (Page number) .................... 58
Page Builder Program .................. 406
Page Control .......................... 52
Page range
Merged spool ..................... 121
Pages per side ........................ 38
Password protection of PDF files ......... 480
PCL soft fonts ........................ 278
PCL Viewing ......................347, 430
In WRKOUTQ .................... 120
Requirements for running SwiftView ... 430
Set view/print parameter ..........40, 128
Setting up a SwiftView user .......... 431
Setup Target AS/400 ............... 270
SwiftView licenses ................. 430
PCL-files ............................. 70
Import from PC ................... 325
PC applications ................... 325
Read PC-print into PCL-file .......... 325
PCLTOMBR (CL command) ............. 418
PDF (Creating PDF files).............349, 410
PDF Bookmark command ............... 396
PDF File Bookmarks ................... 238
PDF security ........................ 480
PDF Viewer ........................42, 430
PDF417 ............................. 294
Escape code character ............. 294
Line separator .................... 294
Max. line height ................... 295
Max. line width .................... 295
Performance ......................... 363
Define Pre-process Definition ........ 186
Using finishing definition with AFC ..... 216
Positioning the design elements ........... 48
Prinserter ........................... 181
Print cross reference ................... 420
Printer Config
Terminal attached ................. 379
Printer Types ...................... 374, 417
standard printer ................... 268
Protocol converter ..................365, 378
PRSCOPY AFC program ............... 153
PRTTIFF ............................ 419
&&CHA ........................ 420
PTF ................................ 346
Reformat *SCS spool .................. 221
Relations to other applications ........... 362
Release update ....................... 357
Remove NetServer share ............... 401
Resident PCL fonts .................... 278
Restore library from folder ............... 402
Right-adjustment .....................61, 64
RMVNETSHR ........................ 401
Rotation ............................. 57
RSTLIBFLR (CL command) ............. 402
RUNSFI ............................ 412
SAP print
Conversion ...................152, 153
Datatype *IBMSCS2 ............... 153
Save Library
To Folder ........................ 402
Save Spool File
From Folder ...................... 339
To Folder ........................ 338
SAVLIB2FLR (CL command) ............ 402
Security of PDF files ................... 480
Select file-set ........................ 119
Select output queue ................... 120
Selecting an existing overlay .............. 35
Service Functions ..................... 337
Create demo spool entry ............ 337
Display all displayable characters ..... 338
Print saved spool file ............... 339
Save spool file to folder ............. 338
Service options ........................ 50
Setting up the system ................... 25
SFI ................................ 412
Share one output queue ................. 27
SIMM module ........................ 417
SMTP and Domino .................... 460
SMTP setup ......................... 459
SNDMAIL ........................... 420
Soft font
Auto download .................... 287
Import for PCL .................... 284
Import for PDF .................... 289
Import for Zebra ................... 313
Sort definitions ....................... 230
Examples using sort ............... 233
Find sort fields .................... 232
Page selection criteria .............. 232
Special line ........................... 63
Split definitions ....................... 173
Calling a user exit program .......... 175
Condition entries .................. 173
Defining the spool file attributes ....... 176
Example using split ................ 177
- per recipient..................... 190
Copies ........................... 47
Start AFC Job (CL command) ............ 405
Start Netserver ....................... 401