Predictive Focus Control
Predictive focus continuously measures the distance and speed of a subject that is moving at a relatively constant velocity, and then predicts the subject position so that the subject will be sharply focused at the instant of exposure.
When using a manually selected focusing point, it lights red in the viewfinder. It is used for predictive focusing.
In automatic focusing point selection mode, cover the subject with the center focusing point for initial focusing. After that, even if the subject moves to a different focusing point, the camera’s predictive focus function will continue to track the subject as long as it is covered by one of the focusing points. The focusing point does not light up.
Custom Function F-4
Custom Function F-11
In AI Servo AF mode with predictive focusing (used for sports photography, etc.), this function lets you momentarily lock the focus using the AE Lock button.
In AI Servo AF mode, this function lets you select the focusing point with the Quick Control dial to manually track the moving subject.