1-10 Precautions for Use


Do not connect any interface cable with the power cord of the server plugged to a power source.

Make sure to power off the server and unplug the power cord from a power outlet before installing/removing any optional internal device or connecting/disconnecting any interface cable to/from the server. If the server is off-powered but its power cord is plugged to a power source, touching an internal device, cable, or connector may cause an electric shock or a fire resulted from a short circuit.

Do not use any non-designated interface cable.

Use only interface cables designated by NEC; identify which component or connector to attach beforehand. If you use a wrong cable or make a wrong connection, there is a risk of short-circuit that could lead to a fire.

You also have to observe the following prohibitions about handling and connecting interface cables:

Do not use any damaged cable connector. Do not step on the cable.

Do not place any object on the cable.

Do not use the equipment with loose cable connections.