Placement guidelines for the WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 71
Figure 15
Measuring jitter, delay and packet loss
Procedure 1
Measuring jitter, delay, and packet loss
Step Action
1Connect PC 2 to LAN segment C.
2Obtain the IP address of PC 2.
3Start Netmeeting.
4Connect PC 1 to the LAN on segment B.
5Ping PC 2 and note the length of the
6Start Ethernet and capture packets on the correct interface.
7Configure a filter for RTP packets.
8Start a Netmeeting session on PC 2.
9End the Netmeeting session and stop the packet capture.
10Save the file and analyze the trace to make sure that the jitter, delay, and packet loss are within specifications.
11Move PC 2 to segment A and repeat Step 1 to Step 10.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
WLAN IP Telephony Installation and Commissioning
Release 5.0 15 June 2007