WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 29
Interface (OAI) messaging protocol. The WLAN Application Gateway 2246 forwards the messages to the WLAN IP Telephony Manager, which encapsulates the message for delivery to the handset.
Loud noise environments
The handsets are designed to provide optimal voice quality. However, when used in extremely loud noise environments, (for example, close to working heavy machinery), degradation in call quality can be experienced due to echo. Avoid using the handsets in loud noise environments.
WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245
The WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 is a device that manages IP telephony network traffic on the WLAN system. It is required to utilize the 11Mbs maximum transmission speed available in the handsets. The WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 acts as a proxy for the wireless handsets. It provides a number of services including a QoS mechanism, AP bandwidth management, and efficient RF link utilization.
The WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 works with the APs to provide Quality of Service (QoS) on the WLAN. All voice packets are encapsulated by the wireless handsets. The encapsulated voice packets to and from the wireless handsets are handled by the WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 and routed to and from a Call Server.
SpectraLink Voice Priority (SVP) is the QoS mechanism implemented on the wireless handsets and APs to enhance voice quality over the wireless network. SVP gives preference to voice packets over data packets on the wireless medium, increasing the probability that all voice packets are transmitted and with minimum delay. SVP is fully compliant with the IEEE 802.11 and 802.11a, b, and g standards.
Each subnet, where the wireless handsets operate, requires at least one WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245. One standalone unit can process up to 80 simultaneous calls depending on the model, as listed in Table 2 "WLAN
Nortel Communication Server 1000
WLAN IP Telephony Installation and Commissioning
Release 5.0 15 June 2007