Chapter 6 8-bit Timers

6-3-2 Setup Example

„Timer Operation Setup Example (Timers 0, 1, 4 and 5)

Timer function can be set by using timer 0 that generates the constant interrupt. By selecting fs/4 (at fosc

=20 MHz) as a clock source, interrupt is generated every 250 clock cycles (100 µs). An example setup procedure, with a description of each step is shown below.


Setup Procedure











Stop the counter.



Set the TM0EN flag of the timer 0 mode


TM0MD (x'3F54')



register (TM0MD) to "0" to stop the counting of




= 0


timer 0.


Select the normal timer operation.


Set the TM0PWM flag and TM0MOD flag of


TM0MD (x'3F54')



the TM0MD register to "0" to select the normal




= 0


timer operation.




= 0





Select the count clock source.


Select the prescaler output to the clock source


TM0MD (x'3F54')



by the TM0CK2-0 flag of the TM0MD register.



:TM0CK2-0 = 001





Select the prescaler output and


Select fs/4 to the prescaler output by the


enable the counting.



TM0PSC1-0, TM0BAS flag of the timer 0


CK0MD (x'3F56')



prescaler selection register (CK0MD).



:TM0PSC1-0 = 01


Also, set the PSCEN flag of the prescaler




= 1


control register (PSCMD) to "1" to enable the


PSCMD (x'3F6F')



counting of the prescaler.




= 1





Set the cycle of the interrupt


Set the value of the interrupt generation cycle






to the timer 0 compare register (TM0OC). The


TM0OC (x'3F52') = x'F9'


cycle is 250, so that the setting value is set to






249 (x'F9').






At that time, the timer 0 binary counter






(TM0BC) is initialized to x'00'.


Set the interrupt level.



Set the interrupt level by the TM0LV1-0 flag of


TM0ICR (x'3FE9')



the timer 0 interrupt control register (TM0ICR).




= 10


If the interrupt request flag may be already set,






clear the request flag.







Chapter 3 3-1-4. Interrupt flag setting ]








8-bit Timer Count VI - 17

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Image 231
Panasonic F77G, MN101C77C user manual TM0EN, TM0PWM, TM0MOD