Chapter 12 Serial Interface 3

13-3-2 Setup Example

„Transmission/Reception Setup Example

Here is the setup example for transmission/reception with serial interface 3. Table 12-3-10 shows the conditions.

Table 12-3-10 Setup conditions for Synchronous Serial Interface Transmission/Reception


Set to


Set to





SBI3/SBO3 pin

independent (with 3 lines)


internal clock





Transfer bit count

8 bits

Clock source






Start condition


SBT3/SBO3 pin type

N-ch open-drain





First bit to be transfered


Pull-up resistance of SBT3 pin






Input edge

at falling

Pull-up resistance of SBO3 pin






Output edge

at rising







An example setup procedure, with a description of each step is shown below.


Setup Procedure








Select prescaler operation.


Set the PSCEN flag of the PSCMD register to


PSCMD (x'3F6F')


"1" to select prescaler operation.


bp0 : PSCEN = 1




Select the clock source.


Set the SC3PSC2-0 flag of the SC3CKS register


SC3CKS (x'3FAF')


to "100" to select fs/2 at clock source.


bp2-0 : SC2PSC2-0 = 100


Set bp3 of the SC3CKS register to "0", always.


bp3 = 0




Control the pin type.

(3) Set the SC3ODC1-0 flag of the SC3ODC register


SC3ODC (x'3FAE')


to "11" to select N-ch open drain for the SBO3/


bp1-0 : SC3ODC1-0 = 11


SBT3 pin's type. Set the P5PLU2-1 flag of the


P5PLU (x'3F45')


P5PLU register to "1, 1" to add pull-up resistor.


bp2, 1 : P5PLU2, 1 = 1, 1




Control the pin direction.


Set the P5DIR2-0 flag of P5 pin control direction




register (P5DIR) to "110" to set P52, P51, to


bp2-0 : P5DIR2-0 = 110


output mode, to set P50 to input mode.


Select the communication type.


Set the SC3CMD flag of the serial 3 control


SC3CTR (x'3FAA')


register (SC3CTR) to "0" to select synchronous


bp2 : SC3CMD = 0







XII - 24 Operation

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Image 410
Panasonic MN101C77C, F77G user manual XII 24 Operation