clinical manual
3. Modes, Features, and Alarms
Therapy Modes
The device provides Pressure Control Ventilation (PCV) and Volume
Control Ventilation (VCV) for
Pressure Control ventilation delivers a prescribed pressure to the patient according to set breath rate and set inspiration time parameters. This means that each breath is controlled so that a prescribed amount of pressure is delivered to the patient. The device offers six different Pressure Control modes of operation:
•• CPAP – Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
•• S – Spontaneous Ventilation
•• S/T – Spontaneous/Timed Ventilation
•• T – Timed Ventilation
•• PC – Pressure Control Ventilation
Volume Control ventilation delivers a prescribed inspired tidal volume to the patient according to set breath rate and set inspiratory time parameters. This means that each breath is controlled so that a prescribed tidal volume is delivered to the patient. The device offers three different Volume Control modes of operation:
•• AC – Assist Control Ventilation
•• CV – Control Ventilation
•• SIMV – Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
Chapter 3 Modes, Features, and Alarms