4.4MAC Control and Status Registers (MCSR)
Table 4.5 lists the registers contained in this section.
Table 4.5 MAC Control and Status Register (MCSR) MapOFFSET | SYMBOL | REGISTER NAME |
0080h | MAC_CR | MAC Control |
0084h | ADDRH | MAC Address High |
0088h | ADDRL | MAC Address Low |
008Ch | HASHH | Multicast Hash Table High |
0090h | HASHL | Multicast Hash Table Low |
0094h | MIIADDR | MII Address |
0098h | MIIDATA | MII Data |
009Ch | FLOW | Flow Control |
00A0h | VLAN1 | VLAN1 Tag |
00A4h | VLAN2 | VLAN2 Tag |
00A8h | WUFF | Wakeup Frame Filter |
00ACh | WUCSR | Wakeup Control and Status |
00B0h | COE_CR | Checksum Offload Engine Control |
00B4h - 00BCh | RESERVED | Reserved for future use |
Revision 1.22 | 118 | SMSC LAN9420/LAN9420i |