4.1Register Nomenclature
Table 4.1 describes the register bit attributes used throughout this section.
| Table 4.1 Register Bit Types |
R | Read: A register or bit with this attribute can be read. |
W | Write: A register or bit with this attribute can be written. |
RO | Read only: Read only. Writes have no effect. |
WO | Write only: If a register or bit is |
WC | Write One to Clear: writing a one clears the value. Writing a zero has no effect |
RC | Read to Clear: Contents is cleared after the read. Writes have no effect. |
LL | Latch Low: This mode is used by the Ethernet PHY registers. Bits with this attribute |
| will stay low until the bit is read. After a read, the bit will remain low, but will change |
| to high if the condition that caused the bit to go low is removed. If the bit has not been |
| read the bit will remain low regardless of if its cause has been removed. |
LH | Latch High: This mode is used by the Ethernet PHY registers. Bits with this attribute |
| will stay high until the bit is read. After a read, the bit will remain high, but will change |
| to low if the condition that caused the bit to go high is removed. If the bit has not been |
| read the bit will remain high regardless of if its cause has been removed. |
SC | |
| effect. Contents can be read. |
NASR | Not Affected by Software Reset. The state of NASR bits does not change on asser- |
| tion of a software reset. |
RESERVED | Reserved Field: Certain bits within registers are listed as “RESERVED”. Unless |
| stated otherwise, these bits must be written with zero for future compatibility. The val- |
| ues of these bits are not guaranteed when read. |
| Reserved Address: Certain addresses with the device are listed as “RESERVED”. |
| Unless otherwise noted, do not read from or write to reserved addresses. |
R/W: Can be written. Will return current setting on a read.
R/WC: Will return current setting on a read. Writing a one clears the bit.
SMSC LAN9420/LAN9420i | 85 | Revision 1.22 |