16.Select the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC COM port baud rate and press Enter. The information screen below instructs you to pull Program 03 if you changed any PCBs during the upgrade process. DKAdmin/DKBackup can be used to pull Program 03 automatically.
Processor Conversion
If you added or changed any PCBs other than the RCTU PCB in the DK system, the customer database will need to be updated to reflect these changes. You can pull Program 03 from the DK to accomplish this.
If you pull Program 03 from the DK, you will override the existing customer database with the DK data.
If you do not pull Program 03 from the DK, the existing customer database will remain intact.
IMPORTANT: If you have upgraded the customer database offline, DO NOT pull Program 03 as it will override your changes.
IMPORTANT: Any time DK14/DK16e/DK40 is upgraded, Program 03 must be pulled so DKAdmin can update the new system’s cabinet drawing.
NOTE: If you pull Program 03 from the DK, the DK will be initialized with Program
Press any key to Continue
17.After reading the screen above, press Enter. The program displays:
Pull Program 03 from DK to Update Customer Database?
Note If upgrading onsite and the new RCTU is in the customer’s DK, it is recommended that you answer Yes. This will cause DKAdmin/DKBackup to pull Program 03 to ensure that the upgrade process is successful. If the RCTU you are upgrading is installed in a test system (offsite), answer No. Program 03 will not be pulled and Program 03 data in the customer database (in DKAdmin) is sent to the new processor.
18.Highlight Yes or No and press Enter. You are prompted to enter the DK code.
19.Enter the default DK Code 0000. DKAdmin/DKBackup initializes the processor with Program
20.Highlight Yes and press Enter. You are prompted to
21.Enter the default DK code 0000. DKAdmin/DKBackup begins the upgrade process.
Note Before restoring/upgrading data, DKAdmin/DKBackup pulls some programs (04, *04 and *09) in order to arrange the data and prevent numbering conflicts. The DK then sends the upgraded database to the new processor.
22.After sending the upgraded data to the new processor, the screen below displays. Read the screen and press Enter.
You have uploaded program(s) to the DK which require the DK to be powered off for 5 seconds and then on again for the modifications to take effect.
DK280 Release 3 and 4 allows you to perform this task automatically without physically turning the system off. If desired, the system can be shut down manually.
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