Additional Troubleshooting Procedures
This section provides a more detailed approach to diagnostic testing and identification of a problem and locating its source.
Error Checking
Each time you turn on the system, the POST runs automatically and checks the system board, CPU module, memory, keyboard, and most installed peripheral devices.
If POST finds an error, it displays an error message and, in case there is a problem with the display, puts out a series of long and short beeps. One short beep means the system passed POST. Refer to the BIOS User’s Information section in this chapter for a list of items to check for each error code and for an explanation of the error beep codes.
Troubleshooting Guide
Use the following troubleshooting procedures to help you identify a problem. These general procedures lead you through the following:
■Preparing the system for diagnostic testing
■Monitoring POST while it is running
■Verifying proper operation of key system LEDs
■Confirming loading of the operating system.