Viewing PoE Settings The Port PoE Summary Page displays system PoE information on the device and attached ports, monitoring the current power usage and operational status.
To view PoE Settings:
1Click Port > PoE > Summary. The Port PoE Summary Page opens:
Figure 106 Port PoE Summary Page
The Port PoE Summary Page displays the following information:
Device Power Display
■State — Indicates the
■on — Indicates that the power supply unit is functioning.
■off — Indicates that the power supply unit is not functioning.
■Power Max — Indicates the maximum amount of power the device can supply. The field value is displayed in Watts.
■Power Used — Indicates the actual amount of power currently used by the device. The field value is displayed in Watts.
■Power Free — Displays the amount of additional power currently available to the device. The field value is displayed in Watts.