Table 12 Port Statistics Summary Page - Field Description (continued)
Field | Description |
Broadcast Output | The total number of packets that |
| requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to |
| a broadcast address at this |
| that were discarded or not sent. |
Alignment Errors | The number of alignment errors |
| packets). |
FCS Errors | A count of frames received on a particular interface that |
| are an integral number of octets in length but do not |
| pass the FCS check. This count does not include frames |
| received with |
Single Collision Frames | The number of successfully transmitted frames for which |
| transmission is inhibited by exactly one collision. |
Multiple Collision Frames | A count of successfully transmitted frames for which |
| transmission is inhibited by more than one collision. |
SQE Test Errors | A count of times that the SQE TEST ERROR message is |
| generated by the PLS sublayer for a particular interface. |
Deferred Transmissions | A count of frames for which the first transmission |
| attempt on a particular interface is delayed because the |
| medium was busy. |
Late Collisions | The number of times that a collision is detected later |
| than 512 |
Excessive Collisions | A count of frames for which transmission on a particular |
| interface fails due to excessive collisions. This counter |
| does not increment when the interface is operating in |
| |
Internal Mac Transmit | A count of frames for which transmission on a particular |
Errors | interface fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit |
| error. |
Internal Mac Receive | A count of frames for which reception on a particular |
Errors | interface fails due to an internal MAC sublayer receive |
| error. |
Frames Too Long | A count of frames received on a particular interface that |
| exceed the maximum permitted frame size. |
Carrier Sense Errors | The number of times that the carrier sense condition |
| was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit |
| a frame. |