Viewing Device The Device Summary Page displays parameters for viewing general device Settings information, including the system name, location, and contact, the
system MAC Address, System Object ID, System Up Time, and MAC addresses, and both software, boot, and hardware versions.
To view the Device Summary Settings:
1Click Device Summary. The Device Summary Page opens:
Figure 20 Device Summary Page
The Device Summary Page contains the following fields:
■Poll Now — Enables polling the ports for port information including speed, utilization and port status.
■Product Description — Displays the device name.
■System Name — Defines the
■System Location — Defines the location where the system is currently running. The field range is
■System Contact — Defines the name of the contact person. The field length is
■Serial Number — Displays the device serial number.
■Product 3C Number — Displays the 3Com device 3C number.
■MAC Address — Displays the device MAC address.
■Software Version — Displays the installed software version number.