CP | Beeps | Reason |
42 |
| Initialize interrupt vectors |
44 |
| Initialize BIOS interrupts |
46 | Check ROM copyright notice | |
47 |
| Initialize manager for PCI Option ROMs |
48 |
| Check video configuration against CMOS |
49 |
| Initialize PCI bus and devices |
4A |
| Initialize all video adapters in system |
4B |
| Display QuietBoot screen |
4C |
| Shadow video BIOS ROM |
4E |
| Display copyright notice |
50 |
| Display processor type and speed |
52 |
| Test keyboard |
54 |
| Set key click if enabled |
55 |
| USB initialization |
56 |
| Enable keyboard |
58 | Test for unexpected interrupts | |
5A |
| Display prompt "Press F2 to enter SETUP" |
5C |
| Test RAM between 512 and 640K |
60 |
| Test extended memory |
62 |
| Test extended memory address lines |
64 |
| Jump to UserPatch1 |
66 |
| Configure advanced cache registers |
68 |
| Enable external and processor caches |