26 | 1 System tour |
The server supports the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) standard as defined by the ACPI 1.0b and PC97 specifications. An
The server supports sleep states s0, s1, s4, and s5:
•s0: Normal running state.
•s1: Processor sleep state - No context will be lost in this state and the processor caches will maintain coherency.
•s4: Hibernate or Save to Disk - The memory and machine state are saved to disk. Pressing the power button or other wakeup event will restore the system state from the disk and resume normal operation. This assumes that no hardware changes have been made to the system while it was off.
•s5: Soft off - Only the RTC section of the CSB and the BMC are running in this state. No context is saved by the operating system or hardware.
Caution! The system is off only when the AC power cord is disconnected.