Menus and Parameters
The default system location is an empty string. Log Menu
The Event Log Menu enables controlling the event log feature. The event log is an important debugging tool and a flash memory sector is dedicated for storing it. Events are classified according to their severity level: Message (lowest severity), Warning, Error or Fatal (highest severity).
The severity level of events that should be saved in the Event Log is configurable. Events from the configured severity and higher are saved and may be displayed upon request. Log history can be displayed up to the full number of current active events. In the log, an event is defined as active as long as it has not been erased (a maximum of 1000 events may be stored). The Event Log may be read using TFTP, with remote file name <SNMP Read Community>.log (the default SNMP Read Community is “public”). The Event Log may also be uploaded to a remote FTP server.
The Event Log Menu includes the following options:
Event Log Policy
Display Event Log
Erase Event Log
Event Load Upload Log Policy
The Event Log Policy determines the minimal severity level. All events whose severity is equal to or higher than the defined severity are logged.
Valid values are: Message (MSG) Level, Warning (WRN) Level, Error (ERR) Level, Fatal (FTL) Level, Log None.
The default selection is Warning Level severity. Event Log
The Display Event Log option enables viewing how many events are logged and selecting the number of events to be displayed (up to 1000). The display of each event includes the event time (elapsed time since last reset), the severity level and a message string. The events are displayed according to the time at which they were generated, with the most recent event displayed last (first in – first out). Event Log
The Erase Event Log option enables clearing the event log.
Operation and Administration