Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration
The range is from 1 to 60 minutes.
The default is 5 minutes. Aging Time
The Bridge Aging Time parameter enables selecting the bridge aging time for learned addresses of devices on both the wired and wireless sides, not including BreezeACCESS VL units.
The available range is 20 to 2000 seconds.
The default value is 300 seconds. Relaying (AU only)
The Broadcast/Multicast Relaying option enables selecting whether the unit performs relaying of broadcasts and/or multicasts.
The available options are:
Broadcast/Multicast Enable
Broadcast Enable
Multicast Enable
If broadcast/multicast relaying if disabled, these packets are sent only to the local wired LAN and are not sent back to the wireless link. When broadcast and or multicast relaying is enabled, the relevant packets (broadcasts only, multicasts only or both broadcasts and multicasts) originating from devices on the wireless link are transmitted by the AU back to the wireless link devices, as well as to the wired LAN.
The default selection is Broadcast/Multicast Enable. Relaying (AU only)
The Unicast Relaying option enables selecting whether the unit performs unicast relaying. When the Unicast Relaying parameter is enabled, unicast packets originating from devices on the wireless link can be transmitted back to the wireless link devices. If disabled, these packets are not sent to the wireless link even if they are intended for devices on the wireless link. Disable the Unicast Relaying parameter only if all unicast messages from the wireless link are certain to be directed to the local wired LAN.
The default selection is Enable.
BreezeACCESS VL System Manual