Legal Rights
Legal Rights
© Copyright 2008 Alvarion Ltd. All rights reserved.
The material contained herein is proprietary, privileged, and confidential and owned by Alvarion or its third party licensors. No disclosure thereof shall be made to third parties without the express written permission of Alvarion Ltd.
Alvarion Ltd. reserves the right to alter the equipment specifications and descriptions in this publication without prior notice. No part of this publication shall be deemed to be part of any contract or warranty unless specifically incorporated by reference into such contract or warranty.
Trade Names
Alvarion®, BreezeCOM®, WALKair®, WALKnet®, BreezeNET®, BreezeACCESS®, BreezeMANAGE™, BreezeLINK®, BreezeCONFIG™, BreezeMAX™, AlvariSTAR™, BreezeLITE™, AlvariCRAFT™, MGW™, eMGW™ and/or other products and/or services referenced here in are either registered trademarks, trademarks or service marks of Alvarion Ltd.
All other names are or may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Statement of Conditions
The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Alvarion Ltd. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual or equipment supplied with it.
Warranties and Disclaimers
All Alvarion Ltd. (“Alvarion”) products purchased from Alvarion or through any of Alvarion’s authorized resellers are subject to the following warranty and product liability terms and conditions.
Exclusive Warranty
(a)Alvarion warrants that the Product hardware it supplies and the tangible media on which any software is installed, under normal use and conditions, will be free from significant defects in materials and workmanship for a period of fourteen (14) months from the date of shipment of a given Product to Purchaser (the “Warranty Period”). Alvarion will, at its sole option and as Purchaser’s sole remedy, repair or replace any defective Product in accordance with Alvarion’ standard R&R procedure.
(b)With respect to the Firmware, Alvarion warrants the correct functionality according to the attached documentation, for a period of fourteen (14) month from invoice date (the "Warranty Period")". During the Warranty Period, Alvarion may release to its Customers firmware updates, which include additional performance improvements and/or bug fixes, upon availability (the “Warranty”).
BreezeACCESS VL System Manual