Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Transmit Power
The Transmit Power submenu includes the following options:
Transmit Power
Show Transmit Power Parameters Power
In the AU, the Transmit Power parameter defines the fixed transmit power level and is not part of the ATPC algorithm.
In the SU, the Transmit Power parameter defines the fixed transmit power level when the ATPC algorithm is disabled. If the ATPC Option is enabled, the value configured for this parameter serves for setting the initial value to be used by the ATPC algorithm after either power up or losing synchronization with the AU.
The minimum value for the Transmit Power Parameter is
The HW revision of the unit
The Maximum Allowed Tx Power as defined for the applicable
The Maximum EIRP as defined for the applicable
Maximum Tx Power parameter (in SU only)
For information on how to view the
The unit calculates the maximum allowed Transmit Power according to the unit properties and parameters listed above, and displays the allowed range when a Transmit Power parameter is selected.
For each modulation level, the unit will use as transmit power the minimum between this parameter and the maximum Tx power allowed by the HW and the Country Code for the specific modulation level.
The default Transmit Power is the highest allowed value.
BreezeACCESS VL System Manual