Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration
BreezeACCESS VL System Manual
The default is:
FTP Gateway IP Address: The FTP Gateway IP Address option enables
defining the FTP default gateway address.
The default is:
FTP User Name: The FTP User Name option enables defining the user name
to be used for accessing the FTP server that is hosting the file.
Valid values: A string of up to 18 printable ASCII characters.
The default is: vx
FTP Password: The FTP Password option enables defining the password to be
used for accessing the FTP server that is hosting the file.
Valid values: A string of up to 18 printable ASCII characters.
The default is: vx
Show Configuration File Upload/Download Parameters: Displays the
current values of the Configuration File Upload/Download parameters.
There is one set of general FTP parameters (FTP Server IP Address, FTP Gateway IP Address,
FTP User Name and FTP Password). This set (or relevant parts of the set) serves the SW
Download procedure, the Configuration File Upload/Download procedure and the Event Log File
Upload procedure. Changing any of these parameters in the menu for either procedure will
automatically change its value in the menu for the other procedures.