Sending Documents

Redialing When the Line Is Busy

If the other party’s line is busy or there is no answer, the machine waits two minutes, then tries to dial the same number again. This feature is called “Automatic Redialing.”

What Is Automatic Redialing?

After the initial dialing attempt, the machine waits two minutes, and tries to dial again. If the second attempt fails, the machine waits for two more minutes, and makes a third and final attempt to complete the call.

Auto Redial can be turned ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’. To perform this procedure, see “Setting Up Redialing,” on p. 3-23.

The number of redialing attempts and the time interval between attempts can also be set with the Auto Redial feature.

Messages Displayed When Redialing

While the machine is waiting to redial when using Direct TX, the following message is displayed:

If all redialing attempts fail, the machine cancels the transaction, displays the following message, and prints an Error TX report to remind you that the transmission did not complete.


To cancel redialing, if you are using Direct Sending, press (Stop). If you are using Memory Sending, press [Delete File].

To erase the document from memory, press [Delete File]. (See “Erasing a Document from Memory,” on p. 9-22.)

Even if the machine is set to redial several times, it redials only once if there is no dial tone or ring back tone during the first attempt.

3-22Redialing When the Line Is Busy