Using Speed Dialing

Using Speed Dialing

Follow the procedures in this section to use speed dialing. The four speed dialing methods are one-touch speed dialing, coded speed dialing, group dialing, and access code dialing. If you forget where a number is registered, you can find it and dial it with directory dialing. (See “Using Directory Dialing,” on p. 2-39.)

Using One-Touch Speed Dialing

Follow this procedure to start a transmission and send a document with the press of a one-touch speed dialing key.


To use this feature, you must first register a telephone number for one-touch speed dialing. (See “Setting Up One-Touch Speed Dialing,” on p. 2-6.)

1 Place your documents on the machine.

For instructions explaining how to place your documents, see “Setting the Document on the Machine,” on p. 3-3.




You can adjust the resolution, contrast, and document type for scanning. (See “Adjusting the Scan Settings,” on p. 3-4.)

You can also specify a sender’s name with [TTI Selector]. (See “Selecting a Sender’s Name,” on p. 3-6.)

2 Press the desired one-touch speed dialing key.

If you do not see the number of the key you want, open the first or second one-touch speed dialing panel to see more keys.

After five or ten seconds, the machine starts to send the document.

2-32Using Speed Dialing