

Restricted reception

The ability of the machine to restrict incoming documents. With this feature turned ON, the machine receives documents only from speed dialing numbers registered in your machine.

Rotary pulse

A rotary pulse or pulse dial telephone is dialed by manually rotating a dial to send pulses to the telephone switching system. When you pulse dial, you hear clicks. With tone dialing, you hear tones.

RX password

The ITU-T password set on your machine to match the ITU-T password of all incoming documents. If your RX password matches the ITU-T password of the incoming transmission, the document is received. If the passwords do not match, the document is not received. The maximum length of a password is 20 digits and may consist of numbers, spaces, asterisks ( ), and pound marks (#).


Scanning area

The scanning area is narrower than the original document size around the entire border, around the document. Documents you send should have some margin on the sides and the top and bottom. Anything over this margin cannot be scanned for sending.

Sender’s name

Your name or company’s name, your fax number, date and time the document was sent to the receiving party are printed on each page you send. You can register up to 99 sender’s names that can be selected with [TTI Selector] before sending. Your name and facsimile number are printed at the top of the documents that you send.

Sending speed

The rate at which documents are sent over the telephone line. See also bps.

Sequential broadcasting

Enables you to send one scanned document to up to 210 destinations by using one-touch speed dialing, coded speed dialing, and regular dialing. Dial several numbers to send the document. If you do this frequently, you should register the numbers for group dialing.


Even if the image you receive from the other party’s fax machine is of poor quality, your machine smooths the image to produce a better quality image.


The optional stamp feature marks documents that have been scanned for transmission with a yellow circle stamped at the lower left side of the document.
