confidential mailbox list printing list, 12-16

confidential receive report, 7-10,12-14 CONFIDENTIAL RX, 7-11 CONFIDENTIAL TX, 2-11,2-20 Contrast, 1-8

setting for copying, 5-5 setting for sending, 3-5

Copy, 1-7, 5-6copying

checking document, 5-2 contrast, 5-5 document setting, 5-5 document type, 5-5 procedure, 5-6 resolution, 5-5

setting document, 5-3


Data Registration, 1-9,1-11data registration

entering a name, 1-13 sender information, 1-16

data registration menu, 11-2 default settings, 10-22 delayed sending, 3-29 Delayed Transmission, 1-9 Delete, 1-10

DELETE DOCUMENT, 9-23 Delete File, 1-8,9-22 department ID report, 12-10dialing

access code dialing, 2-5,2-37 coded speed dialing, 2-5, 2-15,2-34 directory dialing, 2-39

entering pauses, 2-2

group dialing, 2-5,2-24,2-35 long distance, 3-14

one-touch speed dialing, 2-5,2-6,2-32 PIN codes, 10-6

regular dialing, 3-8 speed dialing, 2-5

tone dialing on pulse line, 10-4 direct sending, 3-18

Direct TX, 1-7,3-18

Directory, 1-7,2-39 directory dialing, 2-39 DISPLAY LANGUAGE, 10-23document

preparing, 3-2, 5-2 setting, 3-2,3-3,5-3,5-5

document feeder tray, 3-3,5-3 document guides, 3-3,5-3document in memory

deleting document, 9-22

deleting with Delete File key, 9-22 deleting with Memory Reference key, 9-23 printing document, 9-18

printing list, 9-17

sending to a different destination, 9-20 DOCUMENT MEMORY LIST, 12-17document memory list

printing list, 12-17 document size, 14-5 document transfer, 9-2

canceling, 9-9 changing, 9-7 operation password, 9-4 setting, 9-3

turning ON/OFF, 9-6 Document Type, 1-8,3-5,5-5 documents you can scan, 14-4 dual line, 1-29

operation, 1-29

registering telephone number, 1-30 dual line transactions, 4-3


ECM (Error Correction Mode), 1-3,2-13,2-22,11-15,11-18

ECM RX, 10-23,11-18

ECM TX, 10-23,11-15 ENERGY SAVER, 10-23 Energy Saver, 1-7

entering names for registration, 1-13entry mode

changing, 1-13 name, 1-13



Index 14-23