Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter4 Connection Manager
PVC Connections Supported by Release 10 of CWM
Enable AAL5 FBTC: AAL5 Frame Basic Traffic Control: To enable the possibility of
discarding the whole frame, no t just one non-compliant cell. T his is used to set the Early Packet
Discard bit at every node along a connection.
Policing Model: When a connec tion is added, a VPI.VCI ad dres s is assigned, and UPC
parameters are configured for the co nn ec tio n . F or e ach ce ll in an ATM stream, the VPI.VCI
addresses are verified and each cell i s checked for compliance with U P C p ar ame ters.
•CAC & Rate Parameters
ECR Enable: Equivalent Cell Rate. The CAC (Connection Admission Control) algorithm
calculates the ECR of a connection prior to establishing the connection, and ensures high
efficiency of network resources.
Note If ECR is enabled, CWM w il l c alculate %utilization us in g th e C AC_calc.txt file. The ECR for
Enhanced CAC is allowed only for BXM, ASI and AUSM car ds for PVC connections. Therefore
%utilization becomes a greye d ou t, and the user is not able to en te r valu es i n th is d at a field.
Utilization(%): Is the ban d wi d th al lo cat ion for rt/nrt (real time / n o n r ea l t ime). For Vbr, Cbr,
and Ubr it’s PCR%Util; for Abr it’s MCR%Util. Range: 0-100%.
MCR(cps): Minimum Cell Ra te- T he m in im um VC queue service rate for an A BR ATM
•Connection Descriptor
The connection descriptor is ind ependently configurable at each end of a connection. Character
Limitations: None. Range: The D e scriptor field will take any numb er o f ch ar ac ters, but will
only display 64. To activate th e C onnection Descript or feature, the fol low in g c o nfi guration
steps will need to be followe d. U sin g the command line interface (CLI) as user svplus:
a. cd/usr/users/svplus/conf
b. vi CwmDomainGlobal.conf
# Cwm Global Across the Domain Configuration File
# <Name> = <Value>
DESCRIPTOR_FLAG=0 (on=1, off=0)
c. Change the flag to 1 (on)
d. write and quit the file (:w q!)
e. Stop and restart the CWM core.
•Routing Parameters
Avoid Trunk Type: This type is applicable only w h en a connection involves mult ip le ro u tin g
nodes. Routing is not in v o lv ed whe n a c o nnec tion ori gi nat es a nd ter mina t es on th e same ro uting
node. That is, when originating and t ermi nat in g endpo in ts ar e usi ng the s ame r outi ng no de, t hi s
parameter is not applica bl e a nd i s made insensitive. (Greyed ou t).
Reroute Priority: This typ e i s applicable only when a co nn ec tion involves multiple routing
nodes. Routing is not in v o lv ed whe n a c o nnec tion ori gi nat es a nd ter mina t es on th e same ro uting
node. That is, when originating and t ermi nat in g endpo in ts ar e usi ng the s ame r outi ng no de, t hi s
parameter is not applica bl e a nd i s made insensitive. (Greyed ou t).
Enable Cell Routing: Ena bl es C el l Routing on a connectio n .