Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter7 Service Class Template Manager
Functional Interaction
•TBE: Transient Buffer Exposure. The num ber of RM cells that can be sent o ut by a v i rt ua l so u rc e
before waiting for a BRM cell in return.
•FRTT: FRTT(millisec): Fixed Round-Trip Time. The amount of delay expected for an RM cell to
travel through the network to the destination and back again.
WFQ: Displays information related to Weighted Fair Queuing•Service Type: The service type (i.e. CBR, VBR, ABR) to which the parameters apply.
•Service Category: The service category to which the serv ice type be long s. All ser vice type s that
belong to the same service categor y should be mapped to the same Class o f Service Buffer. Access:
read only. Values: 0-65535.
•WFQ: Weighted Fair Queuing. WFQ q ue ue s tr affic in s e pa rate queues, according to tr affic cl ass
definition, guaranteeing e ach queue some p ort ion of the t otal available bandwidth. WFQ recogniz es
when a particular queue is not fully utilizing its allocated bandw id th an d p or ti o ns th at ca p aci ty ou t
to the other queues on a proportionate basis. This is done by portioning out available bandwidth on
the basis of individual information flows according to their message parameters.
All VC: Displays information related to All VC•Service Type: The service type (i.e. CBR, VBR, ABR) to which the parameters apply.
•Service Category: The service category to which the serv ice type be long s. All ser vice type s that
belong to the same service categor y should be mapped to the same Class o f Service Buffer. Access:
read only. Values: 0-65535.
•CoSB No: Class of Service Bu ffer N u mb er. The nu m b er th at id en ti fies on e of t he six te en Co s b
buffers. A Cosb buffer is a buffer that s er v ice s connections with simil ar Q oS re qu ir em ents. Range
and units:1-16.
•CAC Treatment: Connection Admissi on C on tro l. The CAC algorithms that are suppo rted a re: 1)
lcnCac, 2) eCac-Model A, 3) eC ac -M o de l B , 4 ) eC ac -M o d el C , 5) eCac-Model D, 6) eCac-Model
E, 7) eCac-Model F, 8) mbBwCac. DEFVAL {2}. Access: re ad -w rit e . Values: 1-256.
•UPC Enable: When a connectio n is added, a VPI.VCI address is assigned, and UPC parameters a re
configured for the connection. For each cell i n an ATM stream, the VPI. V CI ad dres se s are verified
and each cell is checked for com pl iance with UPC parameters.
•UPC CLP: Usage Parameter Control- Cell Loss Priority Select. Enables or disables GCRA policing
functions on the connection. GCRA1-ENB: Enables GCRA1 only. GCRA 1&2: Enables both
GCRA1 & GCRA2. Options for this feature include: 1- Bk 1: CLP (0+1); Bk 2: CLP (0), 2- Bk 1:
CLP (0+1); Bk 2: CLP (0+1), 3 - Bk 1 : C LP (0 +1 ); B k 2: Disabled, 4- Bk 1: CLP (0+ 1) w it h M F S.
•GCRA-1: Indicates the hand li ng o f cel ls that fail the first (PCR) bucket of th e policer. If object
UPC_ENABLE is set to disable the policing, then this object is not used. Options for this feature
include: 1- Discard, 2- Set CLP bit, 3- Set CLP of untagged cells, discard tagged cells.
•GCRA-2: Indicates the hand li ng o f cel ls that fail the second (PCR) bucket of the policer. If object
UPC_ENABLE is set to disable the policing, then this object is not used. Options for this feature
include: 1- Discard, 2- Set CLP bit, 3- Set CLP of untagged cells, discard tagged cells.
•PCR: The peak (maximum) cell r at e f o r a c onnection using this service ty p e. Th is val ue is a
percentage of the maximum cell rate for the logical interface. 1000000 is equal to 100%. Range and
Units: 0-1000000.
•SCR: The sustained cell rate for a connection using this s er v ice type. This value is a percentage o f
the PCR. 1000000 is equal to 100%. Range and Units: 0-1000000.