Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter 8 Statistics Co llection Manager
SCM Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Figure8-16 Stop Stats collection
Figure8-17 Stop Stats collection confirmation
SCM Primary/Secondary/Tertiary SCM Primary/Secondary/Tertiary GU Is p r ov id e d ist ri buted co ll ection and statistics collect io n
redundancy. SCM redundancy means that the secondary and tertiary SCM collection servers still
continue to collect sta tistics when the primar y SCM collection server is not reachable or com pletely shut
down. Distributed collection means that you can dist ri bute s tat ist ics co ll ect io n f rom all swi tch no de s to
different SCM collection servers. For example, if the connection to the Primary SCM is shut down for
any reason, whether the FTP or TFTP conn ection has been disrupted, or if the Pr imary SCM shuts down,
then the Secondary SCM can t ake over t he statistics collection proces ses . If th e Secondary SCM shuts
down for any reason, the Tertiary SCM ca n tak e ove r t h e st ati s ti cs co l lec tio n p ro ce s ses .
P/S/T is always dependant upon the assignment of the collection server. You can use the cnfcollsvr
command to redirect collectors to a CWM host.