Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter11 CWM to CWM Communications
Recovering From Degrade Mode
Debug level 2
DomainGatewayList cwmws3
HeartBeatInterval 20
Step 8 Start the core on the new Primary CWM (in this example it would be cwmws3).
Step 9 Stop the core on the original Secondary CWM (in this example it would be cwmws2).
Step 10 Edit the original Secondary C W M s DomainGatewayList so that it includes itself and the new
Primary CWM. For example, its DomainGatewayList would look like this:
Debug level 2
DomainGatewayList cwmws2 cwmws3
HeartBeatInterval 20
Step 11 Edit the new Primary CWMs Doma inGatewayList so that it in c ludes itself and the orig inal
Secondary CWM. For example, its DomainGatewayList would look like this:
Debug level 2
DomainGatewayList cwmws2 cwmws3
HeartBeatInterval 20
Step 12 Start the core on the original Secondary CWM (in this example it would be cwmws2).
Loss of Heartbeat from Primary CWMGateway
A Secondary CWMGateway will consider itself disconnected f rom the Primary, and in a degraded mo de
of operation, if it fails to r ece ive a heartbeat message durin g tw o s uc cess ive h ea rtbeat intervals. There
will be no switchover in this situation. The Sec ondary CWMGateway will log an L1 message and a print
error message on the console indic ating that it has lost connectivity to the Primary CWMGateway. This
will be repeated every 60 seconds. I t w ill g o ba ck to the normal mode of operat io n on ce th e heartbeat
message has been received. The Second ary C WMGateway will work in a degraded mo d e o f op er at io n
until, and unless, the hear tb ea t is restored from the Prim ar y.
Note The Secondary CWMs will receive heartbeat messages from the Primary CWM as soon as the
connection has been re-establishe d, if ei ther en d (P rimary or Se cond ar yGateway) is restarted, or
if the problem for an exis tin g conne c tion ha s been res olv e d ( i.e . c hange a bro k en ne t wor k ca ble ).
There is no dependency between sending heartbeat messages from the Primary CWM to the
Secondary CWM, and CWM sync-up with the managed network.