Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Related Documentation
Document Conventions
This document uses the following conventions and terminology:
pointerindicates where the mouse action is to occur
selectpush and hold the left mouse button
releaselet up on a mo us e but to n to initiate an action
clickselect and release a mouse button without moving the pointer
double-clickclick a mouse button twice quickly without moving the pointer
dragmove the pointer by slid in g the mouse with one or mor e butt o ns s e le cte d
CWM software supports a three-button mouse. The buttons have the following configurations:
left buttonselects objects and ac tivates controls
middle buttonadjusts a selected group of objects, adds, or deselects a part of the group
right buttondisplays and selects options from menus
Users can customize these butto n s in a n alternative manner.
In situations that allow the u ser t o s e le ct more than one item from a list simultaneously, the following
actions are supported:
To select a single item in a list, click on the entry. To deselect a single item, c lic k a se cond time on
the previously selected entry.
To select a contiguous bloc k of i tems, click on the firs t e nt ry; without releasing t he m o us e but ton,
drag to the last desired entry an d r ele ase. A subsequent click anywher e o n th e s c re en d ese l ect s al l
previous selections.
To add an item to a selected group, press Shift and click on the entry at the end of the group to be
To add a non-contiguous entry to the selection group, press Ctrl and click on the entry.
The following elements are in boldface:
menu names
drop-down lists
keyboard names
Words and characters that are displayed i n t er mi nal se ssions and on-screen are printe d in screen font.
When set off from the main text, words a nd characters that the user enters are printed in boldface screen
Word or character strings enclosed in an gl e b r ack ets < > indicate that users substi tu te their own
character string for the example pres e nt ed in t he tex t. W he n re fe re nc ed in b o dy t ext, th e w o rd i s in
boldface (not screen font). See the following examples:
login: rootEnter the string root at the login prompt.
password: <rootpassword>Enter the password in place of the char act er str i ng < rootpassword>.
Command descriptions use the following conventions:
Commands and keywords are in boldface.
Arguments that require values are i n italic.