Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
AppendixB Networking User Configurable Network IDs
If the ping command is successf ul , C W M c an re ach t he M G X 88 5 0 feed er n od e.
User Configurable Network IDsA new feature in CWM 10.4 gives the user the ability to configure network IDs with a pre-defined
network configuration that is sp ecified in the file network.conf. In addition to the network name,
gateway, and discovery protocol that are specified in this file, the use r is ab le to specify the network ID
for each network. The keyword for the network-ID parameter is NETWORK_ID.
Note The configurable network ID is only used in Autoroute and PNNI networks. For a standalone network
ID, it will always be 32767.
The following is an example of a ne two r k co nfigu r ati on i n the network.conf file:
Notes on the network-ID parameter include the following:
•NETWORK must be the first parameter in defining the configuration for a network.
•NETWORK_ID is optional. If NETWORK_ID is not specified in the network.conf file, one will
be assigned automatically by C W M .
•NETWORK_ID must be unique, nu m e ric, and within the ra ng e of 1 to 32,000.
•After NETWORK_ID is added, modified, or deleted, CWM needs to be cold started.
•To make the CWM gateway work correc tly, the same network.conf file must be used fo r the Prim ary
and all Secondary CWM workstations.