Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter10 Network Configurator
Community String Configuration
Since users have to configure the community strings on both the devices (via CLI), and at the CWM
stations (via Configurator), there is a possib ility of typing in mismatc hed commun ity str ings. This wou ld
result in the node with the m is ma tched community strings appe ar in g to b e u n -r ea ch ab le to CWM.
Note Add, modify and delete can only be done from the Primary CWM.
Note Configured community strings cannot contain underscore ( _ ) or at signs (@). Also, spaces are not
allowed in community strings and ftp passwords.
Note You must enter community strin gs on a Network Configurator that pertains to the database of a p rimary
CWM station.