Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter1 1 CWM to CWM Communica tions Configuring CWM-CWM Communications
•DomainGatewayList—a list of remote gateways or the other CWM workstations that are part of
this CWM domain. These workstations are either running Release 10 of CWM or will be at some
point in the future. There must be IP connectivity between all of the CW M workstations listed. The
DomainGatewayList pa ra meter lists the CWM workstation hostnam es that are part of a g ive n
domain and enables commun ica tio n b etw e en these workstations. It is re qui red that all CWM
workstations in a domain have the same DomainGatewayList in their CWMGateway.conf file. If a
given CWM workstation is the only one managing a network, you do not have to specify this
Note The network.conf file does not have to be the same on all CWM stations in the domai n as long
as the gateway nodes specif i ed in thi s f i le a re part of t he s ame ne tw or k. Ev en t ho ugh CWMs t hat
manage the same network can talk to each other, managing the same network does not require
having identical network.conf files on all Secondary and Primary CWMs.
•Forced Switchover—tells a CWM wor k sta tion (if it is Primary) to h an d over that role to another
CWM workstation and become a Seco n da ry C WM workstation. The ForcedSwitchOver pa ra met er
indicates a Secondary CWM gateway that as sum es th e role of Prim ar y CWM gateway wh en the
Primary releases that role. This parameter is only used by the Primary CWM gateway. The Forced
Switchover hostname fi eld is empty by default.
Three conditions are required for a fo r ced sw it ch over t o take eff ect :
•The local CWM gateway must be ru nn i ng as th e P r im ar y
•The remote CWM gateway designated by the ForcedSwi tc hOver pa ra met er mus t be up and run ni ng
•The remote CWM gateway designated by th e F orce dS w i tc hOver p ar am eter must have IP
connectivity between the Primary CWM gat eway and the Sec ondar y CWM gat eway
This option is not read at startu p or in respons e to a n HUP or USR1 signal , but proc essed on ly in respons e
to a USR2 signal.
To initiate a forced switchover follow these s t ep s:
a. Verify that the nominated Secondary host is in the same domain as the P rimary host and that CWM
is up and running
b. Edit the CWMGateway.conf file manually (with vi or another editor) using the ForcedSwitchOver
cwmwsx command, and set the host nam e of t he nominated Secondary to th e Fo r ced Sw it ch O ver o n
the Primary
c. Retrieve the process id (pid) of th e CWMGateway on the Primary a nd se nd a USR2 signal to the
CWM gateway on the Prima ry
•Heartbeat Interval—tells the CWM gateway how often to sen d the heartbeat signal. Values for th e
Heartbeat Interval must be the s a m e a mong all CWM workstation s in t he s am e domain.The
Heartbeat Interval indicates th e i nterval at which the Primary C W M w i ll s en d t h e h ear t be at signal
to the Secondary CWM. If a S eco n dary C WM fails to detect two consec utive heartbeat signals, it
assumes a loss of connec ti vi ty wi th the P r ima ry CWM. The re will be no swi tc ho ve r i n thi s si tu at i on.
The Secondary CWM will log an L1 message, and print an error message on the console, indicating
that it has lost connectivity to th e Primary CWM. This will be r epeated every 60 seconds. It will go
back to the normal mode of ope ration once the heartbeat messa ge has been received. The Secondary
CWM will work in a degraded mode of op er ati on u ntil , and unl e ss, t he he ar tbea t is res tore d wi th the
Primary CWM.