Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter1 Cisco WAN Manager Overview
Additional CWM Release 10 Applications and Features
Operating within the HP OpenView multi-vendor management en vironments, CWM supports a suite of
open interfaces for access to man ag em e nt in f or ma tio n including:
•Standard management integration protocols interfaces, including SNMP
•SQL access to the Informix relational traffic database
•X-terminal access for multip le op er at or s i n to CWM management agents
•Craft interface for terminal s an d sim p le tools
WAN multiservice man ag ement can be int e grat e d with in t he mul ti -v endo r e n vi ron men t us in g thi rd pa rty
applications in conjunction w ith t he C W M ap pl ic ati on. Otherwise, integration man ag em ent interfaces
and software tools can achieve fault, configuration, performance and security management through the
open management interfaces.
Event ManagerNetwork faults are integrated with t he H P O p en View Event Brow se r to en ab l e management of
heterogeneous, multi -vendor network environm e nt s. Through the Event B r ows e r the events can be
filtered by a combinatio n of e v ent t ype, sour ce, mess age st rin g, t ime rece i v ed , and se ve ri ty, grouped into
categories based on event severity, or acted-on th r ou g h c ust o m -defi ne d op erat or actions. Different
actions can be configured on a p er-no de b asis such that the same type of event fr om different sources
cause different automatic actions.
Network Topology The Cisco WAN network topology is automatically discovered and presented through topology map
windows. Network element and trun k s tat us ar e repr ese nte d b y icon col or chang es dy namic all y. Custom
background images can be asso ci ate d w ith e ach network map to provide a user-d efin ed v iew of t he