Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter1 Cisco WAN Manager Overview Additional CWM Release 10 Applications and Features
Graceful Software and Firmware Download and Upgrades
Software and Firmwa re downloading of all op er a t in g system and firmware c o de is fully supported by
BPX, IGX, MGX, and CWM. Software and firmware upg rade s are pe rfo rmed b y lo adin g ne w co de fro m
either a CWM workstation via TCP/IP, a new NPM module, or via dial in from Ciscos Technical
Assistance Center (TAC). New so ftware and firmware are dow nloaded throughout t he network utilizing
inter-nodal trunks. New code is loaded into the standby NPM card for initiation at a specified tim e. This
new code can be uploa de d to all other IGXs in- ba nd through the ATM fabric con ne c ti ng t he switches.
Firmware upgrades for a specif ic function module are performed by first loading the new firmware code
into the NPM. Then a command is issued to burn the function mo d ule with the new firmware revisio n.
This may take up to ten minutes, during which time the function module is out of service. Software
upgrades are conducted in background, and then activated network wide. The duration of a software
activation is 10 seconds per node on a rolling basis. Configuration translation software is provided with
software upgrades to automatically migrate existing configuration information into new software
Simultaneous upgrades to multiple devices is supported via background loading of new code and
simultaneous switching to th e n ew co de .
During all software and firmware upgrades the current configuration is retained. The conversion is
automatic and performed by the new so ftware release. If a software upgrade is fa ulty a single command
can return the entire netw ork to the previous version softwa re and configuration in ten seco nds.
Performance Management
The CWM TFTP statistics coll ect io n fac il ity o ffe rs exte ns ive us ag e an d e rr o r co ll ection. A wide range
of statistics are available at the port and virtual channel level to support operations and maintenance,
customer network management and usage -base d billi ng. Hi storica l stat isti cal info rmation i s stor ed in the
CWM Informix database. The op en SQL interface architecture then prov ides users with direct access to
the information stored in th e Informix relational database. CWM addresses historical in formation via the
SQL architecture because of th e l arge volu m e o f in f or ma tion present in the database an d t h e
inefficiencies involved in retrieving it via SN M P.
Connection Statistics
Circuit Line Statistics
Packet Line Statistics
Frame Relay Port Statistics
ATM Statistics
Physical Layer Statistics
ATM Layer Statistics
Open Management
CWM provides seamless elemen t a nd n etw o rk ma nagement for the complete Cisc o WAN multiser vi ce
switching product portfolio, in clud ing BPX , MGX , and IG X. Th e distri buted intelli ge nt archi tec ture
enables each network element to co llect comprehensive performance and u tilization statistics. Each node
stores these statistics in a file which is then transferred to CW M, where it is stored in the SQL database.