Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter2 Starting and Stopping Cisco WAN Manager
Starting Additional CWM GUIs
Step 4 Set the DISPLAY environmental variable by en te ring the following:
setenv DISPLAY ip_address:0.0
where ip_address is the IP address of the workstation from which you h ave issued the telnet comman d.
Step 5 Launch CWM by entering CWM, then select Start Desktop from the mai n m en u.
Note CWM core processes running on a wor kstatio n can be st opped from any ot her wo rkstati on that is runni ng
a remote CWM session. For example , whe n yo u log i nt o a wor ks tat io n runni ng the CWM c or e pr oce sses
and select Stop Core (Option 2), you are terminati ng t he CWM co re pro ces se s for no t o nly you rse lf , bu t
for all others using those CWM core processes. Therefore, you must be careful not to select the Stop
Core option when you are through. Take care to close only the windows you have opened remotely, and
at the CWM main menu, se le ct X to exit the application.