Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter7 Service Class Template Manager
SCT Refresh
SCT Refresh
After you save a changed SCT file, the SCT manager screen is Not automatically updated or refreshed.
You MUST refresh the screen manuall y in the following manner:
Step 1 Select the root node SCT file
Note On the SCT tab, the root node name is "SCT File"; on the Node tab, the root node name is "Network".
Step 2 Verify by observi ng that the tre e vie w has di scar ded tree nodes an d retr iev ed upda ted d ata fro m the CWM
Note For the SCT tab, the refresh also occurs when any SCT file is selected and is followed by a closi n g o f
the magnifying glass or collapsi ng of the root node. Only after re-ex panding the root node will the SCT
be refreshed.
Downloading a New SCT
To download an SCT, click on the DOWNLOAD button and follow the instructi ons in the Download
dialog box.
Verifying that a New SCT is Loaded
To verify that an SCT is loaded, use the f o llow in g pro ced u re .
Step 1 Login to the switch and g o to the C:SCT/AXSM dir ec tory.
Step 2 To get to the C:SCT/AXSM directory, type pwd (Present Working Directory) at the controller (PXM)
prompt. This puts you at the C: directory.
pop20two.7.PXM.a > pwd
Step 3 Change to the SCT directory by typing cd SCT.
pop20two.7.PXM.a > cd SCT
Step 4 Change to the AXSM directory by typing cd AXSM.
pop20two.7.PXM.a > cd AXSM
Step 5 Display the contents of the AXSM directory by typing ls or ll.
pop20two.7.PXM.a > ll
size date time name
-------- ------ ------ --------
512 NOV-17-2000 20:04:28 . <DIR>
512 NOV-17-2000 20:04:28 .. <DIR>
6910 NOV-17-2000 20:04:28 AXSM_SCT.CARD.7