Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter11 CWM to CWM Communications
Limitations for CWM to CWM Co mmunications
It might take several minutes for all of the processes and messages to end, depending upon the number
of nodes in the network.
Step 3 Press Return to redispla y the CWM main menu .
Step 4 From the main menu, enter x to ex it the CWM application.
Step 5 Enter create_db, or co ldstart -F or Sv + C re a teDb -F.
Dozens of messages will be displayed, sta rting wit h the me ssage dro pping db . Additional messages will
indicate that tables are bein g creat ed and procedures stored. The s he ll pro mpt will return in less than a
Step 6 At the CWM workstation, enter CWM to redisplay the main menu.
Step 7 From the main menu, enter 1 to select the Start Core option.
Step 8 When the CWM main menu i s d isp lay ed , enter 3 to launch the CWM Desktop.
Limitations for CWM to CWM Communications
The Secondary CWMs have to wait for the Primary CWM to finish syncing up with the network.
Trap 28075 (svDatabaseInSync) is sent when the Primary CWM has finished syncing up with the
All the CWM workstations managing the sam e netwo rk must ha ve seed nodes or gate way no des that
have IP addresses within the same domain.
Note The network.conf file does not have to be the same on all CWM stations in the domain as long
as the gateway nodes specif i ed in thi s f i le a re part of t he s ame ne tw or k. Ev en t ho ugh CWMs t hat
manage the same network can talk to each other, managing the same network does not require
having identical network.conf files on all Secondary and Primary CWMs.
The Configurator can on ly be run on the Prim a ry CWM.
If all the Secondary CWM Gateways lose IP connection with the Primary CWM Gateway (no
heartbeat received in the past 2 con secu tive Heartbeat Intervals), then all th e Secondary CWM
Gateways will function in degraded mode and wait for the connection problem to be resolved.
Note Do not cold start -F without first verifying that a Secondary CWM has s witched over to become
the new Primary CWM of the domain, otherwise the node_id and other user data will become
Enabling CWM to CWM Communications
In Release 10.5, CWM provides a script to sy nc up a CWM databas e with another rem o te CW M
workstation without running the two CWMs in primary-secondary mode.
The script synchronizes the fo ll owing u ser- re lat ed ta bl es i n th e s t ra ta co m d ata ba se: