Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Connection ManagerThis chapter describes the CWM Connection Manager (CM) desktop application. You use the
Connection Manager to create and ma inta in end-t o-en d connecti ons , Permane nt V irt ual C ircuit s (PVCs) ,
or Soft Permanent Virtual Circuits (SPVCs). A connection consists of a source (localEnd), a destination
(remoteEnd) and a set of connection parameters required for the routing.
Connection Manager Overview
You can have up to four Connection Manager windows per CWM desktop session running on your
workstation at any one time (though only one can be started from the CWM Desktop; the others must be
started from a Conn e ct io n Manager window’s File menu).
The Security Management featur e, in w h ic h e ach C WM user has their own access pro fil e, is u s ed t o
determine whether you have the ri ghts to use each op tion in t he CWM Connec tion Man ager . The securi ty
mapping for CWM Connection Manager is:
•If you have Read Permission you can list connections.
•If you have Create Permission, you can add new connections and perform diagnostics. In addition,
you have Read Permission privileges.
•If you have Modify Permission, you can modify con necti ons. In ad dition , you hav e Read Permissi on
•If you have Delete Permission, you can delete connections. In addition, you have Read Permission
•If you have All permis s io ns , y ou can do all of the ab ove.
Supported Connection Types
Release 10 of Cisco WAN Manager supports the following connections:
•Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
•ATM Router Processor Module
•Frame Relay (FR)
Frame Relay
Frame user network interfa ce (FU NI )