Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter4 Connection Manager PVC Connections Supported by Release 10 of CWM
WFQ Enable: Weighted Fair Queuing. WFQ queues traffic in separate queues, according to
traffic class definition, guaranteeing each queue some portion of the total available bandwidth.
WFQ recognizes when a particular queue is not fully utilizing its allocated bandwidth and
portions that capacity out to the other queues on a proportionate basis. This is done by
portioning out available bandwidt h on t he ba sis of individual information flows according to
their message param et ers .
Best Effort Indicator: A Quality of Service Class in which no specifi c traffic parameters and no
absolute guarantees are provided . B es t Effor t in clu d es U B R and ABR Service Types.
Enable/disable Discard Alarm per V C : I n dicat es whether Discard Alarm has bee n enabled or
disabled. Range and units: 1=enabled; 2=disabled.
Cosb CLP (1) High Threshold: Class of Service Buffer- Cells Loss Priority High. The high
hysteresis threshold at which CLP (1) cells will be discarded. The cells will continue to be
discarded until the CLP_LO threshold is reac he d. Th is value is a p ercen t ag e o f M AX_ C ELL
THRESH. 1000000 is equal to 100%. Range and units: 0-1000000.
Click on the parameter you would like to edit, then click on the Edit button at the bottom o f th e A ll
Parameters window.
An Edit screen appears with al l e di ta bl e p ar am e ter s. Make any necessary changes. Clic k th e A p p ly
button. All values are saved . Click O.K. and you are returned t o the Modify Connection scree n.
After applying modifications to a connection, you can save changes to a connection template for later
use by clicking Save Template. Also, you can select Load Template to retrieve a previously modified
connection template.
For an ATM-ATM connection with ABR Service Type, the editable c onn ect ion parameters are as
•Ingress UPC Parameters
PCR0+1(cps): Peak Cell Ra te- A value that defines a rate limitation for ATM traffic used in the
ingress policing algorithm. In ge ne ra l, traffic arriving at rates greater than the P C R a re
CDVT0+1(usec): Cell Delay Variation Tolerance for the first leaky bucket, which applies to
cells with CLP(0+1). CDVT is th e m a ximum time for accumulat ed v io lat ions of cell-arrival
time parameters.
MBS(cells): Maximum Burst S ize in cells. This is the maximum numbe r of cells that may burst
at the PCR but are still com pl ia nt . Th is is u sed to determine the Burs t Tolerance (BT) which
controls the time scale over w h ich t he S u s tai ne d Cell Rate (SCR) is polic ed.
Enable AAL5 FBTC: AAL5 Frame Basic Traffic Control: To enable the possibility of
discarding the whole frame, no t just one non-compliant cell. T his is used to set the Early Packet
Discard bit at every node along a connection.
Policing Model: Available Bit Rate (ABR) connections are policed in the same manner as the
Vbr connections, but in additio n use ei th er th e ABR Standard with VSVD co nges t io n flow
control method or th e F or eS i ght option to take advan ta ge of unused bandwid th when it is
•CAC & Rate Parameters
Utilization (%): Is the bandwidth allocation for rt/nrt (real time/ non real time). For Vbr, Cbr,
and Ubr it’s PCR%Util; for Abr it’s MCR%Util. Range: 0-100%.
MCR(cps): Minimum Cell Rate. A minimu m cell ra te com mitte d for delivery by th e netwo rk.
ICR(cps): Initial Cell Rat e. T he rate at which a source shou ld sen d in itially and after an idle
period. MCR-PCR cells per second.