Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter9 Summary Report and Wingz Report
Configuring Summary Reports
Figure9-6 Connection Traffic Dropped Window
The statistic types used to plo t t hi s r ep ort are based on the end-point typ e o f th e connection. Tabl e 9-4
describes the statistics types needed. The Report Application retrieves all instances (within the plot
period) of the statistics types from the database and calculates the following:
•Percentage of received bytes dropped = (number of bps of received bytes dropped / CIR) * 100
•Percentage of transmitted byt es d rop ped = ( numbe r of bps o f tr ans mit ted b yt es droppe d / CIR) * 10 0
When the Include Peak Data button is enabled, the percent p eak val ue s o f th e d r op p ed tr affic for a
selected PVC are displayed. Data for both ends of the connection are plotted side by side. The statistic
types used to plot this report are based on the end-point type of the connection. The Report Application
retrieves statistics from the datab a se an d calculates the following:
•Peak number of bytes received by tes drop ped (in pe rcentage of CIR) = (pe ak number of bits rec eiv ed
per second) / CIR) * 10 0
•Peak number of bytes transmitte d droppe d (in pe rcenta ge of CIR) = (peak numb er of bi ts tr ansmit ted
per second) / CIR) * 10 0
The following conversions are used to convert to bi ts per second:
•For FR endpoints, convert bytes received to bits per second (peak number of bytes received * 8) /
(peak interval * 60)
•For ATM/CE endpoint s, con ve rt cell s rece ive d to bi ts per seco nd, usi ng cmgrd’s conversion formula
(each cell has a 48 byte payload)
peak bps = (peak number cells received * 48 * 8) / (peak interval * 60)