Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter4 Connection Manager
PVC Connections Supported by Release 10 of CWM
d. write and quit the file (:w q!)
e. Stop and restart the CWM core.
Routing Parameters
Max Cost: Maximum cost s ize in ce ll s.
Frame Discard: If frame-based traffic control is enabled, the EPD th reshold determines when to
start discarding an AAL5 frame.
Connection Segments: An ABR connection can be divided into separately controlled ABR
Stats Enable: Enables statistics o n a s ele cte d connection.
CC Enable: Congesti o n Control Enable. A 22-bit field in the header of the STI cell that is used
to report congestion messages to the source service interface for the ForeSight feature.
SCT Vc Parameters
Service Type: The service type (i.e. CBR, VBR, ABR) to which the parameters apply.
Service Category: The ser vice ca te gor y t o wh ich the se rvic e type be long s . All se rvi ce ty pes th at
belong to the same service category should be mapped to the same Class of Service Buffer.
Access: read only. Values: 0-65535.
Cosb Number: The Class of Ser v ice Bu ffer nu mb er a ssociated with the service typ e. A cce s s:
read-write. Values: 1-16.
CAC Treatment: Connection Admissi on C on tro l. The CAC algorithms that are sup por ted a re:
1) lcnCac, 2) eCac-Model A, 3 ) eCa c-Model B, 4) eCac-Model C, 5 ) eC ac- M o de l D , 6)
eCac-Model E, 7) eCac-Model F, 8) mbBwC ac. DEFVAL {2}. Access: read-write. Values:
UPC Enable: Selectively enables or d isa bles UPC policing on this vi rtu al circuit. Access:
read-write. Values: enableAll(1), enableGera1(2), enable Gera2(3), enable
Gera1WithPktPolicing(5), enable Gera2WithPktPolicing(6).
UPC CLP Selection: Usage Par ame ter Control- Cell Loss Prior it y Sele ct. Enables or disables
GCRA policing functions o n th e conn ec tio n. GCRA1 -E NB: Ena ble s GC RA1 o nly. GCRA 1&2:
Enables both GCRA1 & G CR A 2.
GCRA No1 Policing Action: Generic Ce ll Ra te Algor it hm- B ucke t 1. In ATM an algorithm that
defines conformance with resp ect to the traffic contract of th e connection. For each cell arr ival
the GCRA determines whether t he cell conforms to the traffic cont ra ct.
GCRA No2 Policing Action: Generic Ce ll Ra te Algor it hm- B ucke t 2. In ATM an algorithm that
defines conformance with resp ect to the traffic contract of th e connection. For each cell arr ival
the GCRA determines whether t he cell conforms to the traffic cont ra ct.
Peak Cell Rate (PCR): The pea k (m aximum) cell rate for a con ne cti on u s in g th is s ervice type.
This value is a percentage of the ma x i mum cell rate for the logical inte rface . 1000000 is equal
to 100%. Range and Units: 0-1000000.
Sustained Cell Rate (SCR): T he sustained cell rate for a connec tion using this service type. T his
value is a percentage of the max im um cell rate for the logical inte rface. 1000000 is equal to
100%. Range and Units: 0-1000000.
Min Cell Rate (MCR): The minimum cell rate for a connection using this service type. This
value is a percentage of the max im um cell rate for the logical inte rface. 1000000 is equal to
100%. Range and Units: 0-1000000.