Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter9 Summary Report and Wingz Report
Configuring Summary Reports
Resource CapacityNetwork R eport Menu Option
Select this option to display basic node information for all nodes in the network in the Network Report
window. This report provides a view of the resources being utilized at every node in the network.
Resource CapacityTop Utilization Report Menu Option
Select this option to di spl ay the top utilized trunks, p or ts, or connections for the en tire network or a
specified node.
Performance DataConnection - Connection Traffic Summary Menu Option
Select this option to specify the connection to be plotted and the plot duration through the Connection
Traffic Summary wind ow.
Upon specifying the desired report options and clicking on the Plot button, the total traffic transmitted
and received, as well as, the availability f o r a s e lec ted P V C ar e di s play ed in the Report Applicatio n
window. Data for both ends of the connection are plotted side by side in this window.
Performance DataConnection - Connection Traffic Dropped Summary Menu Option
Select this option to specify the connection to be plotted and the plot duration through the Connection
Traffic Dropped window.
Upon specifying the desired report options and clicking on the Plot button, the totals of the dropped
traffic for a selected PVC are displayed in the Report Application window. Data for both ends of the
connection are plotte d side by side in this w in dow.
Note The Connection Traffic Dropped Summary menu option is not currently supported for CESM cards.
Performance DataTrunk -Trunk Traff ic Summary Menu Option
Select this option to specify the trunk to be plotted and the plot duration through the Trunk Traffic
Summary window.
Upon specifying the desired report options and clicking on the Plot button, the total traffic transmitted
and received and the unavailability for a selected tr unk are displayed in the Report Applica tion window.
Data for both ends of the trunk are plotted side by side.
Note For Cisco MGX 8220 feeder trunks, only the routing node end of the trunks are supported as the
Cisco MGX 8220 end-point does not support the required statistic types.
Performance DataPort - Port Traffic S ummary Menu Option
Select this option to sp ecify the port to be pl otted and the plot dur ation through the Port Traffic Summary
Upon specifying the desired report options and clicking on the Plot button, the total traffic transmitted
and received and the unavailability for a select ed port are displayed in the Repor t Ap p lic ation window.
Data for both ends of the port are plotted side by side.