Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter1 1 CWM to CWM Communica tions Review of Warm and Cold Start of CWM
Review of Warm and Cold Start of CWM

Performing a Warm Start of CWM

A warm start of CWM consists of stopping the application, then restarting it. A warm start of CWM is
used without initializin g the da tabase , and c an aid i n ov ercom ing da tabas e incon sist encie s with out lo sing
data. When you perform a warm start of CWM, the application continues to use data in the existing
Informix database.
To perform a warm start of CWM, c om p le te the following steps:
Step 1 From the CWM main menu , e nt e r 2 to se lec t the Stop Core option, then confirm t h a t yo u want to stop
core by responding y to the prompt.
It should take less than a minute for all of the processes and messages to end.
Step 2 Press Return to re-display the CWM main menu.
Step 3 From the main menu, enter 1 to select the Start Core option.
Step 4 When the CWM main menu i s d isp lay ed , enter 3 to launch the CWM Desktop.

Performing a Cold Start of CWM

You perform a cold start of CWM when starting the app li cat io n with an empty database. A cold sta rt is
typically used following a CWM upgrade or if ther e were too many datab ase inconsistencies withi n the
network for a warm s ta rt recovery to be suc cessful. You can use the crea te _d b , o r c ol ds tart -F or
Sv+CreateDb -F commands to build a new, empty database. These comma nds destroy any existing
data in the database including statistics and object comments.
Note The user needs to r u n updateftpinfo after a coldstart -F, or after a change has been made to
their UNIX passwor d of svplus after in stallation.
Note In any degrade mode recovery procedure, the user data tables should be kept on the Primary
CWM in order to maintain all existing user data. This means that the user should not use
coldstart -F or SV+CreateDB -F on the Primary CWM or all of the exist in g use r data will be
dropped from the database. Similar commands, SV+CreateDB or coldstart, can be used on the
Primary CWM to clear all of the network data, and as soon as a connection has been
re-established, the Secondar y CW M will re-sync the user dat a tables with the Primary C W M .
To perform a cold start of CWM, complete the following steps:
Step 1 At the CWM workstation, enter CWM to display the main menu.
Step 2 From the CWM main menu , e nt e r 2 to se lec t the Stop Core option, then confirm t h a t yo u want to stop
core by responding y to the prompt.