Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter13 Saving and Restoring Node Configurations
Switch CLI Save and Restore
Figure13-5 dspcnf Command Output
Loaded firmware images must be clea ne d up b ef ore invoking savecnf. To remove the lo a ded firmware
image, invoke the getfwrev command on the node and specify 0.0 as the firmware revision level, as in
the following:
getfwrev <card_type> 0.0 <node>
Step 3 Save the nodes configuration using the savecnf command. The syntax for the savecnf command is given
savecnf <backup_id|clear> <node_name|*> <dest_SV_node> [<dest_SV_ip>]
A typical savecnf command invocation is s how n be low with its output show n i n Figure13-6:
savecnf C051598 nmsbpx14 nmsbpx14