Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter7 Service Class Template Manager Verifying that a New SCT is Loaded
6910 NOV-17-2000 20:04:30 AXSM_SCT.PORT.7
7212 NOV-17-2000 20:04:30 AXSM_SCT.CARD.2
7212 NOV-17-2000 20:04:30 AXSM_SCT.CARD.3
7212 NOV-17-2000 20:04:30 AXSM_SCT.PORT.2
7212 NOV-17-2000 20:04:30 AXSM_SCT.PORT.3
In the file system :
total space : 819200 K bytes
free space : 702351 K bytes

Note The following is an example of the directory output for an AXSM-E that is displayed by typing

ls or ll.
size date time name
-------- ------ ------ --------
512 AUG-17-2001 01:22:04 .
512 AUG-17-2001 01:22:04 ..
7212 JUL-11-2001 02:44:30 AXSM_SCT.CARD.2
7212 JUL-11-2001 02:44:30 AXSM_SCT.PORT.2
7212 JUL-11-2001 02:44:30 AXSM_SCT.CARD.3
7212 JUL-11-2001 02:44:32 AXSM_SCT.PORT.3
7212 JUL-11-2001 02:44:32 AXSM_SCT.CARD.100
9957 AUG-09-2001 19:47:44 AXSME_SCT.CARD.101
7212 JUL-11-2001 02:44:32 AXSM_SCT.PORT.102
7212 JUL-11-2001 02:44:32 AXSM_SCT.PORT.110
7211 JUL-11-2001 02:44:32 AXSM_SCT.PORT.121
7155 JUL-11-2001 02:44:32 AXSM_SCT.PORT.123
8029 JUL-11-2001 02:44:32 AXSM_SCT.PORT.134
9957 AUG-03-2001 18:48:02 AXSM_SCT.PORT.4
9957 AUG-03-2001 18:48:14 AXSM_SCT.PORT.5
9957 AUG-03-2001 18:48:02 AXSM_SCT.CARD.4
9957 AUG-03-2001 18:48:14 AXSM_SCT.CARD.5
7212 JUL-11-2001 02:44:32 AXSM_SCT.PORT.100
9957 AUG-09-2001 19:48:08 AXSM_SCT.CARD.102
7211 JUL-11-2001 02:44:32 AXSM_SCT.CARD.103
7211 JUL-11-2001 02:44:32 AXSM_SCT.PORT.113
7212 JUL-24-2001 01:34:42 AXSM_SCT.PORT.101
9957 AUG-16-2001 18:52:48 AXSME_SCT.CARD.5
9957 AUG-16-2001 18:52:54 AXSME_SCT.PORT.5
9957 AUG-09-2001 19:48:22 AXSME_SCT.PORT.103
9957 AUG-17-2001 01:22:06 AXSM_SCT.PORT.104
10317 AUG-17-2001 18:54:54 AXSME_SCT.PORT.6
In the file system :
total space : 819200 K bytes
free space : 690456 K bytes

Step 6 Verify that the name of the SCT you ar e lo ok in g for is in the list.

Note CWM will select SCTs by fir st s o r ti ng S C Ts u s in g ca pi tal letters and then sort in g S CT s u s in g

lower case letters. (i.e. AXSM_SC T.CARD. 2 w o uld be s el ect ed b ef ore a xsm_sct.card.2). Be aware of this when creating a new file name or when sending a file via FTP.