Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter8 Statistics Collection Manager SCM Statistics Enable
Figure8-5 SCM Stand Alone initialization
Figure8-6 shows an xterm window displayed with the SCM main menu options:
Figure8-6 SCM start core, stop core, and exit options
SCM Statistics EnableFigure8-7 sh ows t h e St atistics Enable dialog box which ap pe ar s afte r you start the SCM core. This
window allows you to set th e c ol lec tion period in minutes, t he ti me out period in minutes , th e bucket
interval in minutes, the number of retries, and the peak statistics enable. The last drop-down in this
dialog box asks whether you would like to use your selected settings as a default template. The switch
implements these selected valu es a nd sends confirmation back to t he SCM Controller Server.
Note Statistics Enable is only acce pted from the CWM machine w h ic h i s r egi ster ed a s Sta tis t ic s
Master on the nodes. (It can be set via telnet to BPX, IGX and IPX nodes by using the
cnfstatmast command; the cnfstatsmgr command must be used for MGX-8220 and