Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter7 Service Class Template Manager
Functional Interaction
•GCRA-1: Indicates the hand li ng o f cel ls that fail the first (PCR) bucket of th e policer. If object
UPC_ENABLE is set to disable the policing, then this object is not used. Options for this feature
include: 1- Discard, 2- Set CLP bit, 3- Set CLP of untagged cells, discard tagged cells.
•GCRA-2: Indicates the hand li ng o f cel ls that fail the second (PCR) bucket of t he p ol ice r. If object
UPC_ENABLE is set to disable the policing, then this object is not used. Options for this feature
include: 1- Discard, 2- Set CLP bit, 3- Set CLP of untagged cells, discard tagged cells.
Conn Parm: Displays information related to connection types, services and categories•Service Type: The service type (i.e. CBR, VBR, ABR) to which the parameters apply.
•Service Category: The service category to which the serv ice type be long s. All ser vice type s that
belong to the same service categor y should be mapped to the same Class o f Service Buffer. Access:
read only. Values: 0-65535.
•Peak Cell Rate (PCR): The pea k (maximum) cell rate for a c onnection using this service t ype. This
value is a percentage of the maximum cell ra te f or th e lo g ica l interface. 1000000 is equal to 100%.
Range and Units: 0-1000000.
•Sustained Cell Rate (SCR): Th e su sta ined cell rate for a connection usi n g t h is se rv ic e t yp e. Th is
value is a percentage of the PCR. 1000000 is equal to 100%. Range and Units: 0-1000000.
•Min Cell Rate (MCR): The minimum cell rate for a connection using this service type. This value
is a percentage of the PCR. 1000000 is equal to 100%. Range and Units: 0-1000000.
•ICR: Initial Cell Rate. The cell rate used to begi n a transmission on a connection that has b een idle
for a configured period of time. Th is value i s a percentage of the PCR for t he lo g ica l i nt er fac e.
1000000 is equal to 100%. (Used only on ABR service type connections.) Range and Units:
•MBS: Max Burst Size. The max im um number of cells that may arrive at a r at e e qu al to t he P CR .
Used for policing. Range and Units: 1-500000.
•MFS: Max Frame Size. The maxim u m A A L5 f r ame size in cells.
•CDVT: Cell Delay Variation Tolerance for the first leaky bucket.
•Packet Discard Mode: Enables or disables Packet Discard Mode on the connection. Range and uni ts:
1=enabled; 2=disabl e d.
VC Threshold: Displays informa tion related to the Virtual Channe l Threshold•Service Type: The service type (i.e. CBR, VBR, ABR) to which the parameters apply.
•Service Category: The service category to which the serv ice type be long s. All ser vice type s that
belong to the same service categor y should be mapped to the same Class o f Service Buffer. Access:
read only. Values: 0-65535.
•Maximum Threshold: The VcMax Thre sho ld for C LP (0+1) c ells in mic ro secon ds. Rang e and u ni ts:
0-5000000 microseconds.
•CLP (1) High Threshold: Cell Loss Priority High Threshold (% of VC QMax) is the highest
threshold for the bit in the hea der of an ATM cell that identifies the cell as eligible f or discard within
the network under predefi ned congestion conditio ns. Most often set by the in gress policing function.
•CLP-LOW/EPD1: CLP (1) Low or EPDs (1): Cell Loss Priority Low Threshold (% of VC QMax)/
Early Packet Discard. If AAL5 FBTC = yes, th en for the BXM card this is the EPD threshold setting.
EPDs is the lowest threshold for the bit in the header of an ATM cell tha t identifies the cell as eligible
for discard within the network under predefined congestion conditions.